Barley is contained in cool climate cereals. Barley, which used to be one of the basic foods of humans; is it used to feed more animals today? Barley plant ranks first among cereals consumed as animal feed. It is a plant of great importance for the feeding of animals. Barley grain contains approximately 7.5-15% raw protein and 75% digestible nutrients and is a very good food source. It is an important animal feed and its value as feed is 95% of corn. It is desirable to have a high protein content in manger barley.
What are the health benefits of barley?
- Barley is nutrient rich and packed with fiber and essential minerals such as selenium, copper, tryptophan and manganese.
- Barley gives energy, manganese contained in it helps you feel happy and energetic. It also calms your nervous system.
- Barley helps to lose weight due to the various essential amino acids it contains, and partly because of its fiber content.
- A study; it has shown that adults who increase barley intake experience a decrease in blood pressure.
- Barley is rich in breast and other hormone-dependent cancers, as well as plant lignans, which protect against heart disease.
- It minimizes the risk of cancer and heart disease by reducing free radicals and visceral fats and stabilizing blood pressure.
- Barley is also rich in phosphorus, which helps cell regeneration. Phosphorus helps in bone formation.
- Barley is a great source of niacin (vitamin B) that provides numerous benefits to our cardiovascular system.
- Barley also reduces the risk of blood clots.
World’s first domestication of barley took place at
Barley has a widespread reputation all over the world today. Barley in the past, for example; B.C. It began to be produced and exchanged in the Sumerians around 3000 BC. Barley is an annual long day crop. However, it can also fit different day lengths. cereals It is the most fraternal and gives 5 – 8 siblings. The average plant height is 35-100 cm. Virgos They are 8 – 15 cm in length on average and they are in 2, 4 and 6 rows. It covers the flower, the husk and the canopy. In spelled barley they are attached to the grain and do not separate in the threshing. An average of 10 – 13% of the grain is husk. It contains 9-13% crude protein and 67% carbohydrates in its structure. In cool climate cereals It is the most cultivated plant after wheat.
Barley Sowing Watch; Barley planting before and after wheat or consecutive planting should be avoided. Leguminous plants and corn, It is possible to alternate with anchor crops such as cotton, potatoes, beets, vegetables.
Soil Requirement of Barley; The most suitable soils for barley; rich in organic matter, national, suitable for ventilation and humidity, neutral reaction soils.
Soil Preparation for Barley; In autumn, plant residues should be cleaned or shredded with appropriate tools and equipment, 15-20 cm. should be plowed deep and mixed with the soil. Then disc harrow and rake or crowbar, rake It is processed with a combination of clouds to break the clouds.
Barley Fertilization; Soil analysis 1.5 – 2 months before planting to determine the amount of fertilizer to be applied to the soil is recommended to be done.
When Is Barley Planted?; It is generally planted between November 15 and December 15. winter or alternative native barley varieties can be planted earlier. Sowing in summer barley varieties, mandatory In some cases, it may extend until mid-January depending on the climatic conditions. Sowing should be done with seeders if possible. Sowing depth, sufficient moisture and aeration for germination. adjusted to provide Adjusting the planting depth to 3 – 5 cm for good germination suitable.