They are flowers that can maintain their vitality for many years after planting. The roots of these flowers it is durable. Even if the above-ground parts of the plants die in winter, their roots remain alive, at the beginning of spring. they give new shoots. They are preferred because there is no re-planting and planting burden every year. Seasonal It is more resistant to environmental conditions than flowers.

What flowers grow every year without replanting?

  1. Achillea millefolium
  2. Alcea rosea
  3. Begonia tuberosa
  4. Canna indica
  5. Cerastium Tomentosum
  6. Chrysanthemum ind.
  7. Chrysanthemum max.
  8. Dahlia variabilis
  9. Delphinum hyb.
  10. Dianthus cory.
  11. Gailardia
  12. Gladiolus
  13. Hemoracallis hyb.
  14. Hyacinthus ori.
  15. İresine Herbstii
  16. Kniphofia
  17. Lilium candidum
  18. Narcissus pseu.
  19. Paeonia officinalis
  20. Phlox paniculata
  21. Senecio Cineraria
  22. Tulipa hybrida
  23. Yucca flamentosa
Which flower comes back every year?
Perennial flower varieties

Perennial Plant varieties

Productions; Rooting is done with cuttings, onions and tubers. Since there is an expansion in seed production not very recommended. If we give an example of these plants: Star, Chrysanthemum, Hyacinth, Tulip, Gladiolus, Lily, Daffodil, Cana etc.

What are 2-year flowers?

These flowers develop root and stem parts in the first year. Roots live underground They overwinter as a result, they develop by giving new shoots in the spring of the next year and After they bloom and form seeds, they complete their lifespan. As an example of these flowers; Snapdragon, Violet, Transplant, Myosotis.

One-year flowering plants: These flowers develop, bloom, form seeds within a season following seed planting and they die. There are varieties that bloom in autumn, spring, summer and winter. They are divided into two groups within themselves. 1. winter flowers 2. summer flowers

If we give an example of winter flowers; Violet, Ornamental Cabbage, Myosotis, Wallflower, Carnation, Bellis, Snapdragon, Husnu Yusuf.

As an example of summer flowers; Velvet, Fireflower, Steamship Smoke, Rooster Comb, Silk, Petunia, Begonia, Verbena.

Which flower comes back every year?

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