There is no official and confirmed information about exactly when the Isparta rose grows and its oldest date. Isparta rose is a valuable plant that grows well in the climatic conditions of that region and is not only used as an ornamental plant, but also preferred in areas such as jam, oil, etc. There is a chapter in Ibn Battuta’s travel book about the history of the Isparta Rose. We understand from this that it is known that rose water was made from Isparta Rose in the 1300s. And at that time, the Isparta rose was famous again.

Information About Isparta Rose

In the 1300s, Ibn-i Batuta mentioned the Isparta rose, and in the 1900s, İsmail Efendi started to make Rose Oil using the Isparta Rose. The Rose Factory was established in Isparta in 1935.

Isparta rose in Turkey
Isparta rose in Turkey

What are the Benefits of Isparta Rose?

  1. It has a very nice scent. It has pink tones.
  2. It is especially used against throat infections. It can be gargled for throat clearing.
  3. It is beneficial for those who have diarrhea so that it can stop diarrhea.
  4. It has benefits for acne diseases.
  5. If you drink Rose Water tea, it relaxes you.
  6. It is beneficial for the eyes. Those with eye problems can wash it with rose water.
  7. It is beneficial against wounds.
  8. It is effective against wounds on the skin of babies.
  9. It can be used as Rose Water.
  10. Isparta rose jam is useful as an important food.

How to care for Isparta rose?

Isparta rose usage areas

Isparta rose grows in normal weather. They do not like very hot or very cold weather. Isparta Rose blooms once a year. It grows well in 65% humid weather. Sometimes, there may be more than one blooming Isparta roses, these are called ‘yevegiver roses’. Isparta Rose Pruning: At certain intervals, wilted, dried or rotten branches and leaves – roses should be removed from the main stem. Information about Turkey’s famous Isparta rose >>

Isparta rose usage areas

  • Rose oil: Rose oil, which is one of the most important and expensive raw materials of the perfume and cosmetics industry, is produced by boiling pink oil roses by steam distillation method. Rose oil of world-class quality is obtained from roses grown in Isparta and its surroundings, located at an altitude of 1.050 m above sea level. Roses collected in May and June every year, as a result of the contribution of weather conditions, ensure the production of high quality rose oil.
  • Solid Rose Oil; It is a solid rose oil with a creamy consistency and a dark cherry rot color appearance obtained by the extraction method of extremely fresh pink roses that have not undergone fermentation, their color and unique structure. It is used in the production of absolute, which is one of the raw materials of the perfume and cosmetics industry.
  • Rose Warer: It is rose-scented natural water obtained by mixing the oily water (yeast) obtained during the production of rose oil with distilled, pure clean and hot water in a one-to-one ratio. Naturally produced rose water is filtered many times, filled into bottles, packaged and offered for sale. Due to the fact that rose waters are natural and do not contain harmful substances, they are used as flavoring in some food items and desserts, and for body and make-up cleaning due to their skin nourishing and texture tensing properties.
  • Isparta rose and cosmetics: Hand and skin cream, hand and body lotion, shampoos for different hair types are produced from Isparta Rose.
Isparta rose in Turkey

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