What is a groundcover plant? The one with a lot of leaves, preferred as a groundcover to cover some areas of the lawn; It can be defined as wrapping, climbing, spreading dwarf plant varieties.
- Ajuga
- Alyssum
- Arenaria
- Cerastium
- Dichondra
- Helianthemum
- Hypericum
- Lobelya
- Portulaca grandiflora
- Potentilla
- Ranunculus
- Verbena
- Vinca
Why are ground cover plants important?
Ground cover plant varieties are dwarf plant varieties that can grow up to 30 cm on average, form a dense vegetation on the soil surface, and cover, creep and spread. These plants, which are woody, herbaceous, green in summer and winter or green only in summer, look like grass covers on the soil surface. groundcover While plants prevent soil erosion and water loss, they also add color, pattern and texture to the ground. Of course, ground cover plant varieties are not only used in garden and landscape areas. Some cultivars can be used both as medicinal and aromatic plants and in the cosmetic industry due to the chemicals they contain.
Herbaceous ground cover plants
Although grass is an ideal ground cover plant, ground cover plants are preferred because it is expensive and difficult to maintain. In addition, ground cover plants are preferred in places where the grass plant is difficult to grow, dark shade and uneven slopes. In rocky areas, in very wet and dry areas, moss and ferns can be used as ground covers. Many groundcover plants are not print resistant. Although grass plants are used in such places, ground cover plants are used to delimit and shape the areas.
Woody ground cover plants
Ground cover plants in this group are plants that are more than 30 cm tall. Although woody ground cover plants can be stunted in a medium-sized garden, they may not have the same effect in a small garden. In this respect, there is no definite and clear rule limiting ground cover plants. While a groundcover of a certain size works best in an open, uneven area, it may not be suitable for a confined space such as a front or inner courtyard. There is a very close relationship between the size of the area and the height of the plant.
What are the benefits of ground cover plants?
- It ensures the renewal of the soil by ensuring that the leaves that are rotting and playing a role as mulch are constantly leftover.
- It prevents evaporation from the soil with its green cover.
- Aesthetically, it improves the quality of the landscape.
- Those with beautiful colorful flowers and fruits add a different beauty to the place.
- It provides weed control by preventing the passage of light.
- They absorb the sounds in areas with heavy traffic and reduce the noise.
- The wastes of old leaves and other plants rot at the bottom of the ground cover plants and mix with the soil.
- Ground cover plants functionally prevent erosion and absorb rain water. Therefore, their use on sloping lands provides many advantages.
Ground cover plant species used as an alternative to grass
Ground cover plants alternative to lawn plants; This plant is divided into two varieties among themselves. Ground cover plant used to protect the general appearance of the lawn: Ground cover plants in this group need the same uniform soil mixture. As with lawns, they have problems with weed control. Ground cover plants that do not look like grass: Ivy and wild strawberry are used in this class. If the ground is smooth, the wild strawberry is mowed twice a year with a lawnmower, and it is stunted and grown intensively.
Ground cover plants used in small areas instead of grass; This type of ground cover is resistant to printing; Anthemis nobilis, Coespitosa, Thymus. Groundcover used to create color and ornament in non-printed areas plants; They are not print proof. It has attractive images in the arrangement of gardens. Types of grass cover used in places that cannot be walked on Ajuga reptans, Hypericum calycinum, Helianthemum sp.
Ground cover plants in general; in home gardens, factory sites, school, hospital gardens, areas controlled by municipalities, medians of highways and arrangement of pedestrian crossings used.
Information about ground cover plants
Color and form feature;
which generally have an important place in the habitus feature of ground cover plants. the form and texture of the leaves create a harmonious or contrasting composition with other plants. exhibitions; A variety that changes throughout the year with seasonal color changes and texture features. wins. the ability to clean the air; ground cover plants filter the air like other plants It has a cleaning feature.
heat absorption; Ground cover plants have the ability to absorb heat rather than reflect it. they have. In addition, they create coolness by giving the water back to the air by transpiration.
Sorting differences; yer örtücü bitkiler farklı yüksekliklerde boylandıkları için diğer peyzaj elemanlarıyla çeşitli görünümde kompozisyonlar oluşturabilir. Kitle halinde kullanıldıklarında mekân özelliğini daha etkili duruma getirirler.
Creating an environment for wildlife; ground cover plants suitable environment for wildlife make an important contribution to creating For example, bees with flowers, birds with fruits, With the soft ground they create, they create a suitable environment for many animal species.
Ability to hold waste; ground cover plants flying, dust etc. to a certain extent by keeping contribute to the prevention of environmental pollution.
Easy production and rapid developments; Generally, the required amount of plant material is obtained in a short time and It can be easily produced at low cost. Quick to cover the ground to be planted in a short time It prevents the development of weeds due to their growth power.