The tip removal process in plants is a form of pruning applied especially in cut flowers. This process increasing branching, long stem formation, adjusting cutting time and obtaining large diameter flowers. done in various ways to. The basis of the tip removal process in plants is 3-4 or 5-6 at the bottom of the shoot tip. It is to be plucked so that leaves remain. This process differs according to the type of flower applied. can show.

Pruning in flowering plants

For example, if the rose is tipped at the beginning, the shoots will be of better quality. It’s called “early tipping”. Until flower buds appear on vigorously developing shoots. allowed to develop and tipped over the top five leaflet this is called “soft tip picking” In small plants, if the tip pruning is done when the bud is larger, it is called “hard tip called “take”. Three weeks after planting in cloves, the shoot tips are left with 5-6 leaves from the bottom.
hand cut off. Flowering with tipping, 15 days in summer, 30 days in winter gets delayed.

Tip pruning in plants
Tip pruning in plants

Leaf removal pruning in ornamental plants

Leaf pruning helps the plant to make better use of light and for highly leafy plants. It is done to pass generative development. On the stem with diseased and old leaves After the first fruits are harvested, almost all of the leaves under those fruits are collected. While pruning, the leaves should be plucked from the point where they join the stem. leaves should not remain on the plant.

Bud Retrieval Pruning

In some cut flowers, bud removal is applied to obtain large flowers. It The process is applied in different ways in standard and spray types. Standard varieties When the bud reaches the size of a pea, all other buds and lateral branches are cut off. Only the apical bud is left. Thus, the single flower on the top becomes larger. in spray varieties On the other hand, when the top bud is the size of a pea, since many side buds are required, only this apical bud is cut off. Other buds and lateral branches are left.

Rejuvenation Pruning

This pruning helps to regenerate strong shoots, to form a new crown. is made to provide rejuvenation in aged and weakened trees Strong shoot formation is encouraged by pruning. So the crown of the tree is old again is brought into being. In this way, it is ensured that the tree returns to the yield age.

Tip pruning in plants

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