Flora of Switzerland; Although Switzerland has an area of about 41,000 square kilometers, it is 0.4% (4 in 1,000) of Europe, With 3000 species of plants, it is home to 20% of all European plant species. Endemic plant species of Switzerland; Endemic plant with Switzerland as its homeland the number of them is almost nonexistent. Switzerland has 1 species of endemic plant. This endemic plant is Grengiols Tulip. This plant is a local species that grows around Grengiols Town in the Canton of Wallis and has its scientific name from this town. There are 3000 plant species growing in Switzerland. There are 73 different species of orchids in Switzerland. Edelweiss plant alpine in literature She’s known as the Queen of Flowers. The Swiss citizen protects the plant and also grows the plant in the gardens of houses. Edelweiss is the rarest plant in the Alps, despite the harsh climate of the high mountains, a bold plant Edelweiss blooms when he sees the sun.
Botanical gardens of Switzerland
Botanical Gardens are counted among the “national museums” in Switzerland, and even special activities in these museums are announced with advertisements and posters. It is seen that a significant part of the botanical gardens in Switzerland are alpine gardens, that is, they exhibit plants that grow in switzerland’s highest mountain ecosystem. What are the botanical garden names of Switzerland?
- Arosa: Maran Alpine Trial Center
- Aubonne: Arboretum of Aubonne
- Basel: Basel University Botanical Garden
- Basel Brüglingen Botanical Garden (Annual Visitors: 80.000)
- Bern University Botanical Garden
- Bourg-St. Pierre: Linneae Alpine Garden
- Brissago: Botanical Garden of the Canton of Ticino
- Champex: Alpine Plants Botanical Garden
- Frioburg University Botanical Garden
- Geneva: Geneva Botanical Garden (Annual Visitors: 300.000)
- Davos Alpine Garden
- Grüningen Botanical Garden
- Interlaken Alpine Garden
- Lullier Central Botanical Garden
- Lausanne University Botanical Garden
- Lugano-Castagnola
- Marin Botanical Garden
- Meyrin: Meyrin Botanical Garden
- Neuchatel University Botanical Garden (Annual Visitors: 20.000)
- Montreaux Rochers de Naye: Rochers de Naye Alpine Garden
- Porrentruy Botanical Garden
- St. Gallen Botanical Garden (Annual Visitors: 60.000)
- Tripnon Botanical Garden
- Wadenswill Weed Garden
- Zurich University New Botanical Garden (Annual Visitors: 130.000)
- Former Botanical Garden of the University of Zurich
- Zurich Cactus Plants Museum (Annual Number of Visitors: 30.000)
- Zurich Masoala Rainforest Greenhouse
- Zurich City Garden
What are the agricultural products grown in Sweden? Oats, rye, wheat, barley, potatoes and beets take the front row at the beginning of grain production grown on Swedish soils.
What are the flowers that grow in the Swiss alps?; Edelweiss, Primula auricula, Soldanella alpina, Geum rivale, Globularia nudicaulis, Primula farinosa, Dryas octopetala, Gentiana verna, Crepis aurea, Pulsatilla vernalis, Gentiana acaulis, Alchemilla vulgaris, Nigritella nigra, Glove flower, Orchis ustulata…
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