In the autumn months, some plants are planted in September, October and November. Which plants should be planted and when? Is it possible to plant flowers in autumn? In autumn, of course, some flowers are planted. Chrysanthemum, Primrose etc. Information about field plants to be planted in autumn, vegetables planted in autumn and even flowers planted in autumn are as follows; You need to act according to the regional climatic conditions in the arrangement and planting for the garden.

Garden planting and planting in September, which is the autumn month

Soil plowing and preparation is done for all kinds of autumn and spring plantings. Doubling and tripling are done for planting on plowed fields. Fertilization continues with the herd. Irrigation, hoeing and other maintenance processes continue in industrial plants. All kinds of diseases and pests are struggled. Sunflower harvest continues. Field plowing is continued in the months of cereals and sunflowers. Necessary protection measures are taken in warehouses and warehouses, and combat works are carried out. Necessary controls are made against rice diseases and pests and the struggle continues. Stagnant budding continues in orchards. Plums, peaches, apples, pears, walnuts and almonds are harvested.

What to plant in the garden in autumn

The orchards are watered for the last time. The harvest of summer vegetables should be terminated and their wastes should be removed from the gardens and incinerated. Planting of winter vegetables continues. Irrigation is continued in vegetables.

Sowing planting activities in autumn month october

Soil plowing and preparation is done for all kinds of autumn and spring plantings. Fertilizers and farm manures can be given with the plowing. Doubling and triads continue. Autumn grain sowing has begun and continues throughout the month. Irrigation, final hoeing and maintenance work continues on newly planted grain and other plants. Harvesting of various industrial plants, legumes, orchards and grains continues. Warehousing and evaluation works continue. The last leaf breaking is done in tobacco. Wheat and barley planting should be started in the middle of this month. The rice harvest should be started and the harvest should be completed by the end of the month at the latest. Beet harvest should be started. Necessary protection measures are taken in warehouses and warehouses, and combat works are carried out.

Autumn soil preparation begins for planting new saplings. Soils are prepared for autumn cultivation in greenhouses, sowing seeds and planting seedlings. Irrigation, hoeing and maintenance of autumn first-season vegetables continue. Diseases and pests to be seen in autumn first-season vegetables are committed. Various vegetables are harvested, packaged, shipped to the market and evaluated. The late table grapes are harvested until the middle of the month.

Garden planting in November, the autumn month

Soil plowing and preparation are made for fall and spring planting. Beet harvest should be completed by the end of the month. With the seeds to be planted, a struggle is made for crop protection in the warehouses. Industrial crops (beet, cotton, paddy, etc.) are harvested with overdue threshing works. Wheat barley planting should be finished by the middle of this bee at the latest. Necessary protection measures are taken in warehouses and warehouses, and the struggle works are continued. Field checks are made for Zabrus and necessary precautions are taken. After leaf fall, it is applied with burgundy slurry in orchards and vineyards. Soil preparation is continued for the saplings to be planted next year.

What to plant in the garden in autumn?

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